Wall Recreation Softball League 2025 Rules
Updated March 25,2025
Winning coaches are responsible for texting Aado or emailing scores within 2 hours of Game(s)
Rain-outs and rescheduled games will be posted on the news page as well as the schedule for your league.
First game starting time is listed unless otherwise noted. Failure to place a minimum of EIGHT PLAYERS on the playing field with 15 minutes constitutes a forfeit.
HOME TEAM will supply one new Official Optic Yellow Tatoo cor. 52 /.300 Wall Softball League Softball for the Sunday or Women’s Weeknight League at the start of every game. Visiting Team will also supply one new ball for every game. Teams will supply backup softballs out of their buckets. HOWEVER : The Offensive Team can put a brand new Tatoo 52/300 softball in the game at any time. In the Event you run out of Softballs they are available online at Dick’s Sports or in stock at RKE Athletic in Belmar.
Home team is responsible for having the home plate mat and bases set and marked out by starting time if they are not already in place.
In the event that there are no bases at the field when you arrive – each team should have an inexpensive set of throw down bases to use in an emergency.
Note: Women will be using an 11″ 52/300 softball . softball as well.
2025 Umpire Fees
UMPIRES cost $60.00 for one man per 6 Inning Sunday DH Game, $60.00 for one man Weeknight Women’s Game or and $40.00 per man for two men per Playoff Game. This will be split between each team, including all Playoff & Championship games . Umpires must be paid in full before every game.
Note: In the event a game is cancelled by Rain or Lightning – The Ump is entitled to the Full Fee ($30 per Team Men – $30 Women) once the Game has begun. If a Game is called before it begins – there is No Ump Fee.
In the case of forfeit, the UMPIRES MUST BE PAID IN FULL BY THE FORFEITING TEAM. If a team forfeits, you will up until the start of your next game to pay the $60.00 forfeit fee for a single game or $90.00 for a double-header. If team is not paid, you will be dropped from the league. Failure to pay the umpire will result in forfeit of the game and suspension of the team from the league until the umpire is paid. If a team forfeits on 3 separate occasions throughout the course of the season, they will be dropped for the league and their entrance fee forfeited.
2025 Summer League Regular Season
All Teams need to sign up for the Wall Sunday Text Notification System
Text: 81010
Message: @Mensund
The Summer League Regular Season will include a minimum of 10 Regular Season Doubleheaders and a Mid-Season ONE-Pitch Tournament. (One each for American & National Leagues). Maximum amount of Teams in each Tournament will be 8 Teams – Only the Top 8 Records will be invited to Participate in the One Pitch Tournament. The balance of the Teams, that do not qualify, will still play 2 Regular Season Games on ONE PITCH Tournament Sunday) The First (2) Tournament Games played will count in the Standings and the Winning Tournament Team will Receive $100.00 Credit to 2025 Fall or 2026 Spring Softball League Entry Fee.
There are only 2 Sundays available for Makeups – if we lose a Sunday and Both Makeup Sunday’s are Full – the only available slots for Makeups will be weeknights at Rash – as long as both Teams agree – if your opponent cannot play on a weeknight – feel free to play any other Team that is available.
Regular Season Standings will be based on Winning Percentage based on a each Teams’ Regular Season Schedule.
Wall League has the right to re-assign a Team from American to National in the Playoffs or vice/versa based on Regular Season Performance.
Regular Season Ties:
During the Regular Season Teams will play a Maximum of 1 Extra Inning that will start with the ITB – if Game is still Tied at the end of Inning #7 – game will end in a Tie.
We do have Umpires that both play and Umpire in the Men’s Sunday League. Any Umpire will be allowed to Umpire any League game. However will try to assign Umps to non- division games. If there are any Umps that you do not want to Ump your games for that reason – you will need to notify us by email.
Players can only play on One (1) Sunday team (American or National ). No major or impact players are allowed. No major or impact player can play in the Sunday League Playoffs. If you do not know if a player is on that list, you must contact Greg Kapalko to find out before that players play, and if an impact player is caught playing on an unauthorized team, that team will forfeit all playoff games that the impact player participated in. All players participating in any Wall Recreation Softball League agree to play at their own risk of injury. It is the responsibility of each manager to inform all his or her player of this stipulation.
Multiple Team Player Rule
In the Event that a Player is caught playing on Multiple Teams after 1 warning – both Teams that he plays for will be excluded from the Playoffs.
Players are only permitted to Play on 1 Team in the Fall Playoffs – if a Player plays on a Second Team – That Team will be dropped from the Playoffs.
TEAM ROSTERS Men & Women League: Each player must fill out and sign a Wall Twp. Roster/Waiver before the Player steps on the field. Note: This can ONLY be done from the Player’s phone or computer.
Once that waiver is submitted the Player is automatically added to the Team’s Roster.
Each team is allowed no more than 20 players on their roster.
If your Team’s Roster exceeds 20 Players – the Coach must email us with a player to be dropped before another one can be added.
Players can be added or dropped by Summer League July 1 &
Fall League September 15
Summer & Fall PLAYOFF ELIGIBILITY – a player must play TWO (2) Games with his/her Team to be eligible to play in the Playoffs.
If your team fails to turn in a roster – That Team will not be permitted to participate in the playoffs – NO EXCEPTIONS.
Note: In the event that a Team Drops or Forfeits out of the League before July 1st (Summer) September 15 (Fall) – the League may choose to allow players from that Team to get on another Team that still has Roster Spots Available – NO MORE THAN 2 PLAYERS PER TEAM. Players must also play in the 2 games necessary on their new Team to be Playoff eligible.
Sunday’s & Weeknights: Team CAPTAINS will receive a Text regarding if the Games is cancelled; All players may check web site news page or get on to the League Twitter@wallmenssb
CANCELLATIONS will result in a forfeit. If you would like to try to reschedule a DH – you must contact (Aado) 2 Weeks Prior to the DH that you want to Re-schedule.
Any Weeknight Women’s Team that calls or emails us to let us know they cannot field a Team less than 24 Hours before a Scheduled Game will be responsible for a $60 Umpire Cancellation Fee.
Any Cancellations made 48 Hours on Fridays will result in a Forfeit but no Umpire Fee will be charged.
Forfeit Fee must be paid via Vemmo or check to League Director Aado Kommandant: @AadoK – before your next Scheduled game.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: A team needs eight players to start a game. The batting team must supply a courtesy catcher. If a team starts with ten players, once the batting order goes around once complete time, no extra players may be added to the lineup, unless the opposing teams agrees. Players will only be allowed to enter the game by substitution after this point. If a team starts with 8 players, they may add at any time of the game, regardless of how many times the batting order has gone around their 9th & or 10th player, but if the player is added, he must be put at the bottom of the batting order( in the 9th or 10th spots). If a player is injured or is ejected from the game by the umpire, and there are no substitutes, their spot in the batting order will declared an out when their turn comes up. If at any time during the game a team has only eight players, this will result in a forfeit.
Whenever a team starts with less than 9 Players, that team may take an automatic out each time the 9th batter’s position comes up in the batting order with the exception : that the defensive team can NOT walk either intentionally or unintentionally the batter that precedes the automatic out. In that case the automatic out or outs are bypassed and the next scheduled hitter will bat.
Illegal Players: In the event that a team needs to add a player ( who plays on another team in the league) to avoid a Forfeit- he may participate as a Defensive player only – he may not bat- this can only be done with the approval of the opposing team- but remember then all spots in the batting order -7-8-9- will be declared automatic outs.
American League Dates: May 18 & July 13 (Possible June 8)
American & National Date: July 20 (Possible June 1)
National League: Since All National team have 1 BYE Week each – The 1st National Rain-out Makeup will be added to a National Team’s BYE Week.
So on a Makeup Sunday – 1 National Team will have a 2nd DH on that Sunday.
Once all of the Scheduled Makeup Slots have been filled the only available makeup Dates we will have will be Weeknights – Tue-Wed-Thur.at Rash and Brice
If Teams are not available to Use a weeknight for a makeup then the Regular Season Standings will be based on 1st Winning % 2nd Win Totals
American One Pitch JUNE 1
Teams will be Seeded 1-6
All Teams will Play 2 Pool Games (Games will Count in Regular season Standings)
Top Teams in each Pool will Advance to Single Elimination Playoffs
Winner will Receive $100 Off Fall or 2026 Entry Fee
American One Pitch June 8
Top 8 Teams will be Seeded 1-8 and placed in an 8 Team Compass Style Bracket
Seeds 9,10 & 11 will Play a 3 Team Round Robin
All Teams will Play a minimum 2 Games ( 1st (2)Games will Count in Regular season Standings)
Winner will Receive $100 Off Fall or 2026 Entry Fee
PLAYOFF ELIGIBILITY RULE : A Player must be on the Final Roster and ave played in 2 Regular Season Games.
All Teams are strongly recommended to keep an Official Scorebook for Playoff Games.
MEN’S SUNDAY LEAGUE : A player must play in at Least ONE Regular Season Doubleheader. (Summer or Fall)
Women’s League : A player must play in at least (2) Regular Season Games.(Summer) or One (1) Regular season DH in the Fall.
All Playoff Games will be played until completion – Men: 6 Innings and Women: 7 Innings. Run Rules still apply. In the event of a game is not completed, due to Rain or Darkness – game will be picked up where it was suspended. All Playoff Innings are Official – Games can be suspended in any Inning 1st thru 7th.
Each Team is recommended to keep both Lineups – so in the event of a suspended game – you will know what the correct Batting Order was. at the time the Game was suspended.
Forfeit Fee must be paid via Vemmo or check to League Director Aado Kommandant: @AadoK
If your Team shows up without enough players to play a game on a Sunday or a Weeknight your Team will Forfeit and be responsible for the entire $60.00 Umpire Fee for that game. Game Time is Forfeit Time. Your Team will have 30 Min. from game game of the 1st game to field a team for the second game or your Team will Forfeit that game and also and be Responsible for another 30 Umpire Fee, bringing the Forfeit Fee to $90.00.
In Split Doubleheaders Game Time is Forfeit Time – NO EXCEPTIONS.
Any Team that has – 2 – No Show Forfeits during the Season will be dropped from the League.
Fall Playoffs – Game Time is Forfeit Time – Have your Team Ready to Play when scheduled.
Once a Team has (1) No Show Forfeit – They must post a $100.00 Forfeit Fee within 24 Hours of that Forfeit or they will be removed from the Schedule Permanently. Fee Must be sent by Venmo to @Greg-Kapalko
All 2025 Fall Teams have been scheduled for 7 Regular Season Doubleheaders. After Labor Day there will be 2 DH’s Scheduled every Sunday – at 8:30/10:30/12:30. All Teams are OFF on Labor Day Sunday. Each Team will have 1 BYE Week during the Regular Fall Season. Regular Season comes to an end on Sunday October 20. Playoffs begin on Sunday October 27.
There are NO Sunday’s available for Makeups – if we lose a Sunday the only available slots for Makeups will be weeknights at Rash – as long as both Teams agree – if your opponent cannot play on a weeknight – feel free to play any other Team that is available.
Regular Season Standings will be based on Winning % based on a 14 Team maximum Schedule.
Playoff Format TBA – we usually Play a Double Elimination Stye Tournament each for both the American & National Divisions
Wall League has the right to re-assign a Team from American to National or vice/versa based on Regular Season Performance.
Regular Season Ties:
During the Regular Season Teams will play a Maximum of 1 Extra Inning that will start with the ITB – if Game is still Tied at the end of Inning #7 – game will end in a Tie.
Spring/ Summer League
Each Team will be allowed 2 Cancellation Forfeits – on the 3rd Forfeit – your Team will be dropped from the League.
Any Spring/Summer Team that calls or emails us to let us know they cannot field a Team for a Sunday DH after 12:00PM on Friday will be responsible for a $60 Umpire Cancellation Fee. Any Cancellations made before 12:00PM on Fridays will result in a Forfeit but no Umpire Fee will be charged.
Spring/Summer League
Teams will be Split into 2 Divisions – American and National.
National League Teams may employ the use of a 5th Infielder (as an 11th defender) when playing against American League Teams. The 11th Defender must be positioned in the Infield a minimum of 5 Feet behind 2nd Base at the Release of the Pitch.
League Director has the discretion to Decide which Teams are Classified American or National Teams at any time during the season.
Each Team will be allowed 1 Cancellation Forfeit – on the 2nd Forfeit – your Team will be dropped from the League.
Any Fall Team that calls or emails us to let us know they cannot field a Team for a Sunday DH will be responsible for a $60.00 Umpire Cancellation Fee for any Cancellation after 12:00PM on Friday .
Once a Team has (1) No Show Forfeit – They must Post a $200.00 Forfeit Fee within 24 Hours of that Forfeit or they will be removed from the Schedule Permanently. Fee Must be sent by Venmo to @Greg-Kapalko
If your Team forfeits and you do not pay the Ump at the field – you will have till the following Sunday to Venmo it to Aado. If your Ump Fee is not by the deadline – your Team will be removed from the schedule till the UMP Fee is Paid ! All games removed from the Schedule will be forfeited.
Any Women’s or Co-Ed Team that cancels a game less than 24 hours before scheduled game time – the full $50 Fee will be charged ($60 if a DH).
The Coach must text League Director Aado K. 732-299-6159 & the Opposing Coach – immediately on a Game Day Forfeit!
2025 Playoffs
American Division
Round 1
Seed #1 & Seed #2 get BYES
Seed #3 vs Seed #6 & Seed #4 vs Seed #5 Higher Seed needs to Win 1 of 2 Games Lower Seed needs to Sweep to Advance
Round 2
Seed #1 vs Low Seed & Seed #2 vs High Seed Best 2 of 3
Round 3
Finals Best 2 of 3
National Division ‘B’
Round 1
Seed #1 & Seed #2 get BYES
Seed #3 vs Seed #6 & Seed #4 vs Seed #5 Higher Seed needs to Win 1 of 2 Games Lower Seed needs to Sweep to Advance
Round 2
Seed #1 vs Low Seed & Seed #2 vs High Seed Best 2 of 3
Round 3
Finals Best 2 of 3
National Division ‘C’
Round 1
Seed #1, #2, #3 get BYES
Seed #4 vs #5 Single Game Play-In
Round 2
Seed #1 vs Low Seed & Seed #2 vs Seed #3
Round 3
Finals Best 2 of 3
All teams playing in the league will have the option of playing with two EP’s (additional hitters). Teams may bat 12 hitters and all the players are interchangeable defensively.
If both Teams agree you may bat as many as you wish.
Remember, if you choose to start the game with 12 players or more if agreed upon, you must finish the game with 12 players or the agreed upon amount. If at any time your batting order has less than 12 players or the agreed upon amount, when the missing player’s spot in the batting order comes up, they will be declared an out.
DP/Flex – USA- Softball Fast Pitch Rule will be allowed in all Men & Women’s League Slow Pitch Games
PROTESTS must be made before the next pitch, legal or illegal. A formal protest must be written up with 48 hours of the game and turned over to the league. Make sure you have the umpire’s name, the team you are playing and at which point in the game this occurred; men on base, outs, etc. All protests that are protests of USA SLOW PITCH rules will be decided upon by the umpire’s director. All protests that are league modification rules will be decided upon by the league rules committee. Each team involved in the protest will be allowed to present its case but have not vote.
WINNING CAPTAINS MUST text or email : wallsoftballscores@gmail.com within 2 hours of your game with the actual score of both games. If your team splits the doubleheader, both coaches are responsible for emailing the scores in. If we do not receive an email within 24 hours of your game, your team will be fined $10 for every occurrence. No team will participate in the league playoffs without your total fines paid.
COURTESY RUNNER: This is an optional rule which must be decided upon by the team captains before the game!
.NOTE: Courtesy Runners are ONLY to be used for Injured Players; Not for Slow, Overweight, Older or outright LAZY Players
If a courtesy runner is Allowed, it must be the last UNINJURED PLAYER that made an out before the Injured Player that got on base.
No Courtesy Runner may be used more than once an inning.
Players needing a “courtesy runner” must be declared before the game in the pre-game conference and must use the courtesy runner anytime they reach base. It cannot be declined for any reason.
If a player needs a courtesy runner but was not on the pre-game declared list, they must use a courtesy runner for the remainder of the team’s games that day.
A courtesy runner may be requested at any time but it shall be the the last batted out made prior to the player requesting the runner. For example, player A grounds out, player B doubles. Player A will be the runner regardless of when the runner is requested. If player C flies out and player B requests a runner, it will be A, not C.
A player may only serve as a courtesy runner, 1 time per inning. In the event that a player cannot serve as a courtesy runner, the last batted out prior to that player is to be used.
In the event that teams cannot agree on a runner – NONE are ALLOWED.
STEALING IN MEN’S SLOW PITCH No Stealing – No Metal Spikes
PITCHING RULE: The Pitcher has the option from pitching the ball from the pitching rubber (50 feet) and back up to 6 Feet (56FT) behind the rubber as long as he is in line with the pitching rubber. The ball must be delivered with an ARC and reach a height of at least 6 Feet from the ground, while not exceeding a maximum height of 10 Feet from the ground. Pitcher must Present the ball before the Release. (He can not run up to the rubber & pitch).
2025 HALO RULE Sunday Men’s League:
Any Excessively HIT Batted Ball (Line Drive or Ground Ball) that is hit within 1 Ft – Either Side of the Pitchers Rubber (Unless the Pitcher Vacates that Area) – Batter will be called out – Ball will be declared Dead and all runners will be returned to their prior base.
Note: if the Pitcher backs up and is still within the Halo Zone – Batter will be called out.
This call is a Judgement Call made by the Umpire(s).
Sunday Men’s League Halo Rule is waived if Teams use a 5th Infielder
American Division vs American Division – Halo does not apply as per League Vote
National Division vs National Division
American vs National – Halo still in Effect
Halo Rule Call is a Judgement Call made by the Umpire(s).
2025 HALO RULE Women’s League:
Any Excessively hit Batted Ball (Line Drive or Ground Ball) that is hit within 1 Ft – Either Side of the Pitchers Rubber – Batter will be called out – Ball will be declared Dead and all runners will be returned to their prior base.
This call is a Judgement Call made by the Umpire(s).
This year will will be using a pitching Mat in the Men’s League ONLY. Any pitch that hits the Mat or the Plate will be a strike – any pitch that misses will be called a Ball.
BASE RUNNING: USA Softball Book Rule – Runner May Leave the Base as the Ball crosses Home Plate. If a Runner leaves the Base before the ball crosses home plate – he/she will be called out. Pitch becomes a Dead Ball – NO PITCH-
Woman’s League Strike Zone: 1-1 Count when Batter steps into Batter’s Box – if the ball hits Home Plate it will be called a Strike along with the Standard Strike Zone – 2nd Foul Ball after 2 Strikes will be an out.
Men’s League Strike Zone: Mat will still be used, Each batter will start every at bat with a 1-1 count. The 1st foul ball hit with 2 strikes will count as a strike and the batter will be declared out.
Illegal pitches will be declared verbally at the point the pitch become Illegal.
2025 Bat Testing: The League has an Official Bat Tester – all bats (That are stamped with an Official ASA/USA Stamp)that pass will receive a 2024 USA Softball Approved Sticker .
No player may use a bat without an 2025 USA Softball Sticker on it as of Sunday September 8. (Note we will allow bats with a 2024 USA Sticker to be used up till that date).
Note: Men’s Fall Sunday League – no player may use a bat without an 2025 USA Softball Sticker on it as of Sunday April 15. (Note we will allow bats with a 2024 USA Sticker to be used up till that date).
Note: Women’s Fall League – no player may use a bat without a 2025 USA Softball Sticker as of Monday – TBA.
Teams will be responsible for a $3.00 per bat inspection fee.
At any point The League still reserves the right to re-inspect all bats at any time – Sticker or not in the event that a ball hit with that bat hits an infielder in such a way that he has no chance to defend himself or a ball hit by that bat gives the impression that the Bat has been altered.
If a bat is re-tested and fails marginally the bat will be declared illegal – Illegal Bat Penalty will apply.
If the bat is re-tested and the bat fails because it’s been altered – then the Altered Bat Penalty will apply.
ILLEGAL BATS: Umpires should perform a Bat inspection prior to every DH. All Bats must be on the approved USA/ASA bat list. If it’s not on the list it’s illegal.
No bat may be used in any Wall Softball League League – without an Official USA 2025 Approved Bat Sticker
Only bats stamped with a 2025 USA/ASA Sticker with the Official USA/ASA Softball Logo and a BPF 1.20 or less will be legal and allowed to be used, with the exception of wood. ALL BATS WITHOUT THE USA or ASA STAMP ARE ILLEGAL, and cannot be used-unless the bat appears on the USA/ASA Banned Bat list.
All dented Bats, Bats with loose pieces, any Bats with loose or altered caps will be BANNED.
ILLEGAL BAT PENALTY – The use of a Non-Sticker bat will be : if a players is caught in the batter’s box with an illegal bat ( by either the umpire , a member of the opposition or a league official) – First- he will be declared an out & may not be replaced in the batting order (he may be replaced in the field)- each time that spot comes up for the rest of that game – that spot will be an out- Second – he will be ejected for the rest of the day (that could be for both the 1st & 2nd game of the Sat or Sun DH). That player will be reported to the League Director and if a second offense occurs – that player will be banned from the League for the remainder of the season.
ALTERED BAT PENALTY – Any Player caught with an Altered Bat will be thrown out of the Wall Softball League for the remainder of the Season. THE BAT WILL BE CONFISCATED & DESTROYED. His Team will also Forfeit the game the Altered Bat was used in.
The Link to the USA Website is: http://www.asasoftball.com/
( Pitcher’s Box is the Designated Area 1 Foot Extended on Each side of the Pitchers Rubber – 4 Feet Total Width and 1 Arms Length over the Pitchers Head)
Any untouched hit over the fence is a Home Run. 2 Home Runs an Inning – USE IT OR LOSE IT – All Home Runs hit after the 2nd in an Inning will be outs. Once the ball clears the fence – all runners may vacate the base-paths – they DO NOT have to advance to the next base.
RUN RULE: 12 after 4 Innings & 10 after 5 Innings
SPEED UP HOME RUN RULE – EVEN THOUGH ALL RUNNERS DO NOT HAVE TO CIRCLE THE BASES – ON ALL HR’s OVER THE FENCE – the batter & each runner must touch the next base – BEFORE THEM COME OFF THE FIELD – or he/they will be called out – DO NOT WALK OFF THE FIELD!
NOTE: All balls hit over the Right Field Fence at Belmar Memorial Field will be OUTS .
For both the Spring & Fall Leagues: Bases will be set at 70 Feet.
NOTE : In the Sunday Men’s Summer & Fall League
National League Teams have the Option of playing with 11 defenders on the Field in all games vs American League opponents. The 11th Defender must be utilized as a 5th Infielder starting behind 2nd Base.
American ‘B’ Teams will spot National ‘C’ Teams 2 Runs per inning for the 1st 3 Innings of each game.
League Director has the discretion to Decide which Teams are Classified as A,B or C Teams at any time during the season.
LEAGUE DIRECTOR at his discretion may implement these and other rules to maintain the competitive balance between A and the other teams in the league. If the League Director feels it is necessary to to make the Handicap two or tall three of these rules – he may do so.
2025 Ump Fees
1 Man $60 ( $30 per Team per game)
PITCHING RULE – Home Plate is now part of the Strike Zone –
Pitching Arc 6′-10′ – Standard Strike Zone plus if the ball hits any part of the plate it will also be called a Strike
1-1 Count and 2nd Foul Ball after 2 strikes will be an out.
All Games 12 Runs after 4 Innings & 10 after 5 Innings
Coin Flip for Home Team Every Regular Season Game
All Weeknight Summer League Games will be 6 Innings in Length
If 1st Game at Rash Starts Late – No new Inning after 7:30PM – we will finish inning
Ladies please hustle in and out in between innings – we want to give you as much playing time as possible.
Game time is 6:15 – at all fields – you need to start on time – No New Inning will start after 8:30 PM at Brice & West Belmar – Once Official if a game is called because of Rain, Lightning,Darkness, etc –
Final Score will stand – TIES WILL COUNT
(last out starts inning at 2nd base)
2025 Women’s Fall League Rules
All games will be 6 Innings in Length
Fall Game Times 6:15PM – 7:30PM – 8:45PM
Run Rule – 10 Runs after 5 Innings
Ump Fees $60 per game
We will Finish the any Inning that starts within the 1:10 Min. Time slots
Ties Count
Rest of Summer League Rules Apply.
League Director has the discretion to Decide which Teams are Classified as A,B or C Teams at any time during the season.
Count: Men – 1-1 – First Foul 2 Strikes an Out
Women – 1-1 – Second Foul with 2 Strikes Out
Balls & Strikes – The Coed League will be using a Mat – Same as the Sunday League – IF a Pitched Ball hits Home Plate or the Mat – Pitch will be called a Strike – if Not it will be called a Ball.
Home Runs: 1 Per Team Per Inning – Use it or Lose it – next HR an Out. Note a Home Run is considered a Ball Hit over the Fence without being TOUCHED by a Fielder.
OF Encroachment Rule: There will be a Painted OF Line (Or 6 Flat Orange Cones) at 190″-200″ – when a Girl is at bat – the Defense must have 3 of it’s 4 Outfielders behind that line – No Outfielder positioned behind the line can cross the line to catch the ball until the ball is hit.
Note A vs B – a “B” Team playing 11 Defenders must use a 5TH Infielder behind 2ND Base (Female Player Only)- 1 Rover & 3 OF’s behind the line when Female’s are at Bat.
Penalty – Batter & all base runners awarded 1 base. (Or in the case of a batted ball not caught – the results of the play if greater)
Courtesy Runners: Must be decided on before Game – Last Female Out- All Courtesy Runners MUST BE WOMEN.
Game Length: 6 Inning Double Headers
Ump Fee: $25.00 per Team per Game
Lineups: Each Team Must have an Equal or Greater Number of Women than Men –
Minimum Players to Play – 8 Per Team –
Maximum Player 12 – 6 each Guy/Girl
A vs C Teams
Note: ‘A’ Teams will spot ‘C’ Teams 6 Runs per game & The C Team has the option to use an 11th Defender if they choose. (If the C Team does not use a 12 Person Batting Order – the 11th Defender will be considered a Flex (Non- Batter) and can be a Guy or a Girl.
A vs B Teams & B vs C Teams
Lower Ranked Teams have the Option of using the 11th Defender vs the Higher Ranked Team.
Note: Team Rankings may be adjusted as Season Progresses.
Minimum Players: A Team needs a Minimum of 8 Players to play. Preferably Four each Women & Men. Note: you MUST have 5 & 3 either way – the batting order must still be Alternating.
Teams must then submit a 10 Person Batting Order – Guy-Girl-Guy-Girl- etc. If you only have 8 then the last 2 missing spots in the Batting Order will be outs.
The other Team will supply the short Team a Courtesy Catcher (that can only return balls to the Pitcher & Can Not participate in any live plays)
If a Team has 9 Players – Team must still submit an Alternating 10 Player Lineup – and will take an out in the 10th spot in the batting order. (Note -( 9 – Player Teams can Use a Courtesy Catcher)
Your 9th & 10th Players can be placed in the vacant spots in the order when they arrive – & that spot will no longer be declared an automatic out at that time for the rest of the game.
Note if a player walks when an automatic out spot is on deck – then the automatic out is skipped and the next batter that is actually in the lineup will bat.
Base on Balls: – If a man walks without a strike thrown to him – he goes to 2B – The Woman has the Option to Hit or walk . If a Man walks after having a strike thrown to him – he goes to 2nd Base – the Woman must bat.
All Divisions: If a Man walks with the Bases Loaded he only gets 1st Base & the Woman must Hit.
Note: A vs B & C – If a man walks without a strike thrown to him – he goes to 2B – The Woman has t to Hit .
Softballs: 12″ Official Softball will be used by all Players
Winning Coach Should Email in Scores to wallsoftballscores@gmail.com at the Conclusion of the Double- Header – please use your smart phone- Standings & Scores will be Posted on the Womens/Co-Ed Scores& Standings Page.
Please go to asa.org for the Banned Bat List.
1. Any member of a team who tosses a bat during a game will be ejected from that game only. If the infraction occurs late in the game (5th inning or later) that member will sit the next game also (DH if Sunday Men’s League).
2. Any member of a team who is ejected or continues to argue wrongfully and makes a mockery of the game during or after the game, will be suspended for a minimum of that game plus the next game, unless in the Umpire’s discretion the 2nd game is not warranted.
Second offense — will be ejected the rest of the game plus the next 2 games (2 DH’s- if Sunday Men’s League).
Third offense — will be expelled from the league.
3. Any member of a team who makes an attempt to cause physical harm to an umpire before/during or after a game will be ejected and expelled from any sanctioned USA Softball league in this state.
4. Fighting will not be permitted during or after the game. Any Coach or Player that gets in an physical altercation with another player or provokes a fight with an unsportsmanlike act will be ejected from that game and suspended for the next scheduled game. If the Fight or provocation take place before or after the game the Coach or Player will be suspended for a minimum of 4 Weeks and possibly more.
On the Second Offensive the Coach/ Player will be dropped from the League.
5. Physical Contact with and Umpire – Player will be Banned for the Season – and must apply to re-join in 2021 or beyond.
6. Any member of a team, player or coach, who is suspended from any league for a period of three or more games will not be permitted to play of be part of any game in any other league that he/she is associated with. The suspension will be honored in all leagues. The league directors/commissioners will contact each other if and when the time comes. The area director will uphold this ruling. This infraction must occur in an USA Softball registered and sanctioned league.
PLAYER MOVEMENT: Once a player has played a game with a team, he/she is permitted to switch teams only once. The league director must be notified in advance, or the team he plays for will be a forfeit.